What are the different types of Blockchains?
There are two general types of blockchain by permission type.
Permissioned and permissionless blockchains as shown below.
There are two general types of blockchain by permission type.
Permissioned and permissionless blockchains as shown below.
1. Permissioned:
This type of blockchain has restricted access to only specific nodes that can join the network.
Advantages: It is more efficient since only a few blockchain nodes exist. Therefore the blockchain can achieve less processing time.
2. Permissionless:
This type of blockchain has no restriction on rights. Every node can join this network freely. It is more secure than a permissioned blockchain since there are many more nodes on the blockchain, therefore less collusion.
There are a lot of nodes; therefore, they require a longer transaction time.
As for blockchain structure:
1. Public
A public blockchain is permissionless and decentralized. All nodes are free to access the blockchain since they have equal rights as long as they access the internet. After validation, they can become authorized nodes as a part of the blockchain network.
2. Private
The private blockchain is permissioned. This type of blockchain is used within one organization. The organization has complete control over the network, including authorizations, permissions, and accessibility.
3. Consortium
Consortium blockchain consists of multiple organizations. It is managed by more than one entity rather than a private chain. This type of blockchain is suitable for scenarios requiring a high-security level—for example, supply chain management, banking services, government, and similar organizations.
4. Hybrid
A hybrid blockchain is a public and private blockchain combination for a single organization. Two types mainly, public permissionless and private permissioned. Users’ identities won’t be visible to others. This way could prevent the majority of attacks on the network.
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